50 Rose Bouquets
50 Rose Bouquets
Say “I love you” with 50 times the impact with this bouquet of 50 long-stemmed roses! Our premium roses are sure to put a smile on someone’s face and send a strong message of love. You can’t go wrong with this classic bouquet!
Images are for reference - actual size may vary depending on the size of the blooms
Delivery to most areas is available at $60.
Same day delivery is based on availability at $150
Priority delivery - delivery for a particular day between Monday to Saturday is $150. Delivery before a specific time is $100
Sundays & Holidays are $100, and Sunday Priority is $200. Same day deliveries on Sundays and Holidays are $200
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Stems must be trimmed by at least one inch, at an angle before being added to a clean vessel of cool water.
The flowers must be kept out of direct heat or sunlight, preferably in a cool area or room.
The water should be changed every other day, with stems being trimmed each time.