Valentine's Tulip Bouquet
Valentine's Tulip Bouquet
Get ready to charm your Valentine with our Tulip Bouquet! With a mix of romantic red, pure white, and pretty pink hues, these tulips are sure to captivate your loved one. Choose from two bouquet styles and make this Valentine's Day extra special. (Love is in full bloom!)
Bouquets will be a mix of red, white and pink tulips
Delivery is available at $100 to most areas, $60 to San Fernando, Marabella, La Romain, Reform and environs.
Deliveries run from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
Stems must be trimmed by at least one inch, at an angle before being added to a clean vessel of cool water.
The flowers must be kept out of direct heat or sunlight, preferably in a cool area or room.
The water should be changed every other day, with stems being trimmed each time.